About us
MACH Consulting is a Public Affairs firm specialized in inter-governmental development cooperation and international communications covering:
- United Nations agencies
- European Union & Member States
- African Union & Member States
- Africa, Caribbean & Pacific Group of States (ACP)-EU relations.
Our corporate suite handles strategic partnerships, resource mobilization, communications, information packaging and dissemination, mass media sustainable development campaigns, Social and Behavioural Change Communication (SBCC), Nation Branding and tourism promotion, facilitation of negotiations and diplomatic relations, trade communications and corporate advisory services.
"Action is the foundational key to all success"
Pablo Picasso
The Mach Consulting team has expertise on the full range of international, regional, and national policy issues that are significant to Africa, EU and ACP countries. Our rich blend of seasoned experts in international development cooperation accords us the expertise to design, develop and refine successful government relations strategies.
We bring excellence to your affairs and business
The MACH Consulting model is based on a rigorous understanding of our client’s multi-cultural landscapes and diversity outlook including socio-political reality and economic environment. We work with regional intergovernmental agencies, United Nations, international organizations, multinational corporations and International Non-Governmental Organizations. Mach Consulting provides effective and seamless representation to governmental ministries, UN agencies and corporates by offering sound professional advisory support in achieving their objectives.
- Advisory Services
- Partnerships development
- Resource Mobilization
- Strategic Communications
- Social and Behavioural Change Communication (SBCC)
- Emerging Markets and International Development Cooperation
- Nation and Regional Branding
- Tourism Information Dissemination
- International Information Management Campaigns
- Crisis Management and risk analysis
Marie Chantal UWITONZE is a seasoned political advisor with a proven track record in providing strategic advice to high-level government officials. With over 15 years of experience in political affairs, she has worked with various international institutions, particularly the European Parliament, the United Nations Development Fund, and the United Nations Development Program.
Throughout her career, Marie Chantal has served as an advisor to various political figures and governmental entities. In particular, Marie Chantal was one of the key advisors to Louis Michel during his tenure as a Member of the European Parliament and President of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly. In this role, Marie Chantal provided valuable information and advice on a range of critical issues, including political negotiations, international development assistance, the new ACP-EU partnership, the 2030 Agenda, international trade, and natural resource management.
Marie Chantal has also worked as a consultant for various government and non-governmental organizations, providing strategic advice on policy development, stakeholder engagement, and crisis management. This includes her work with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) – Regional Office for West and Central Africa to strengthen the positioning of UNFPA’s mandate and demographic dividend within the agendas of the African Union, the European Union, and their member states.
In addition to her advisory work, Marie Chantal is the author of several publications, including “European Union, a Peacekeeper in Africa: Successes and Limits of a Commitment” and ” The Keys to a Successful Career.” She has also contributed to numerous policy guidance documents and publications on political affairs, demonstrating her expertise in the field.
Marie Chantal’s in-depth knowledge of political affairs and her ability to provide insightful and effective advice have earned her a reputation as one of the leading advisors in the field. She has demonstrated her ability to work with a wide range of stakeholders, including government representatives, parliamentarians, private sector leaders, civil society organizations, religious and traditional leaders, media, and celebrities from the film, sports, and music industries.
“It always seems impossible until it is done.”
Nelson Mandela

The English version of the first book in the career development series is now published.
The Book “The Keys to a Successful Career (in French “ LES CLES D’UN PARCOURS REUSSI”) by Marie Chantal Uwitonze is based on testimonials of success but also of failure of people from different socio-economic and professional backgrounds, from Europe, Africa, Asia or America. It tries to define the notion of success and determine conditions under which everyone can succeed.
The book is the proof that success depends mainly on effort, determination and a certain number of golden rules that everyone must adhere to throughout their lives. Success is accessible to everybody who spare no efforts to achieve it regardless of their social background, regardless of their past or that of their family, regardless of their origin.
The book is available here.
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
Harriet Tubman
SME & Banking Africa Forum in Kigali
15 November 2017
MACH Consulting was a partner to the SME and Banking Africa Forum that held in Kigali from the 13th to the 15th November 2017.
The Francophone Africa Business Forum
1 November 2017
MACH Consulting was part of the Francophone Africa Business Forum organised by the Netherlands – African Business Council on the 1st of November...
Youth Connekt Africa 2017
21 July 2017
MACH Consulting contributed to the Youth Connekt Africa Summit 2017 under the theme “From Potential to Success”, took place on 19-21 July...
Fostering Women’s Empowerment and Leadership with UNESCO
30 June 2017
MACH Consulting facilited the organisation and the mobilisation of Speakers and ressources for the UNESCO High-level Conference entitled...
8 June 2017
At the European Development Days 2017, MACH Consulting hosted a high level debate on the theme of “Decent Jobs”. Indeed economic growth...
The 5th meeting of the JAES Reference Group on Infrastructure
25 April 2017
The 5th meeting of the Joint Africa EU strategy- Reference Group on Infrastructure
L’Afrique a tout pour réussir le pari de l’intégration régionale
27 January 2017
L’Afrique a tout pour réussir le pari de l’intégration régionale
Financing the SDGs in the Least Developed Countries
15 December 2016
On December 15th, 2016, Mrs. Marie Chantal Uwitonze was speaking at the presentation of the Joint Report on “Financing the SDGs in the Least...
Forum de la Jeunesse et de l’Entrepreneuriat
6 December 2016
MACH Consulting était partenaire du Forum de la Jeunesse et de l’Entrepreneuriat en Afrique organisé par le MEDEF et AGYP du 06 au 07...
Digital Africa
1 July 2016
The CEO of MACH spoke at the annual conference “Digital Africa” (Afrique Digital) organized by the magazine “le Point Afrique” on 13...
16 June 2016
New financing models for a new development agenda: How can innovative financing and partnerships contribute to implementing the Sustainable...
The future of ACP-EU relations – The view of the African diaspora
8 December 2015
The CEO of MACH was invited by the ECDPM to discuss the future of ACP-EU relations beyond 2020 from the point of view of the African diaspora in...
Youth and the Future of Africa
3 October 2015
The CEO of MACH took part in the high-level panel entitled “ Bridging generations, shaping our future”, organized by the Government of Rwanda, in...
EU rethinks development policy
4 June 2015
On 04 June 2016, the CEO of MACH Consulting was invited by France 24 to discuss the future of the EU (European Union) Development policy.
Culture and Development
3 June 2015
On 03 June 2015, the CEO of MACH Consulting took part in the high level panel on culture and development organized by ADNE, UNESCO and the European...
Twitter news
“I never lose. Either I win or I learn!”
Nelson Mandela
MACH Consulting
Avenue d’Auderghem 338/2
1040 Bruxelles